Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 309

Tomorrow it will be 37 weeks since my beloved dad passed away.
Tomorrow it will be 257 days since we buried my dad.

Tomorrow it will be Day 309 that my mom has stayed alone.

Tomorrow it will be Day 309 since my family's lives changed forever.

Tomorrow it will be 33 weeks since my mom sold her pride and joy, our family home.
Tomorrow it will be 25 weeks since my mom moved into an apartment on her own.
Tomorrow it will be 21 weeks since the family hired a 'nanny' to be company for my mom.
Tomorrow it will be 17 weeks since the second 'nanny' arrived.
Tomorrow it will be 26 days since my dad's unveiling.

Tomorrow my mom will be 81 years and 306 days old.
Tomorrow my mom will think about her husband of over 58 years of marriage.

And today I already know my mom is dreading tomorrow.

Why? Because I am too.

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